XXIst Century Man Directed by Issey Miyake

Issey Miyake, Ron Arad, Dai Fijuwara, Nobuyoshi Araki Et Al


Edition : First / Tokyo / 21 21 / 2008 / Softcover. / Fine / Fine
Small 4to, 128pp. Orange wraps in printed dustwrapper. Full colour plates. Text in English and Japanese.

Nice Miyake curated exhibition catalogue, with Miyake, Tim Hawkinson, Ron Arad, nendo, Noguchi, Fujiwara, Wilson, Suzuki, Sekiguchi and Hokama. Very great multi disciplinary show, the highlights being the very beautiful Miyake installation ‘Myth of the 21st century man’ based on Goya, and the Miyake/Fujiwara A-Poc/Dyson piece. Hawkinson’s work is also especially strong. And the whole show is photographed by Araki.

See inside