Kill Your Pet Puppy issue 2

Tony Drayton (ed)


Edition : First / London / KYPP / Better Badges / 1980 / Softcover. / VG+
4to, 20-30pp. Text in English.

Phemomenal fanzine from Ripped and Torn’s Tony D, which explores and asserts what would now be called anarcho or peace punk as well as a heavy dose of goth, adam and the ants, the occult and eighties anarcho/squatting/hippiedom. It’s difficult to describe concisely as what the contributors were doing isn’t easily contained or defined, but they describe themselves as ‘a loose group of idealists who aim to (blacked out) by whatever means at their disposal. influenced by willhelm reich, situationism, the angry brigade, aleister crowley, andre breton, crass x penny rimbaud, red army faction, david bowie; it’s all we can do.” Visually the fanzine looks heavily influenced by the 60s underground press, and spiritually seems to be a direct descendent. A very rich, if somewhat confusing publication.